Queen of Peace Dave North Invitational, 7 & 8 Gr.

May 9-10, 2008

Ross High School Track

05/09/2008 - 05/10/2008

Meet Scores

1ST. JAMES SJWO 67.000
6SMAC SMAC 20.000
9ST. JUDE ST. 16.000
19JOHN XXIII J23 2.000
19ST. BART'S STB 2.000

Meet Results

Ev# 1 GIRLS 100m Dash GIRLS 100m Dash Ev# 3 GIRLS 4x200m Relay GIRLS 4x200m Relay
Ev# 5 GIRLS 1600m Run GIRLS 1600m Run Ev# 7 GIRLS 4x100m Relay GIRLS 4x100m Relay
Ev# 9 GIRLS 400m Dash GIRLS 400m Dash Ev# 11 GIRLS 800m Run GIRLS 800m Run
Ev# 13 GIRLS 200m Dash GIRLS 200m Dash Ev# 15 GIRLS 4x400m Relay GIRLS 4x400m Relay
Ev# 17 GIRLS Shot Put GIRLS Shot Put Ev# 19 GIRLS Discus Throw GIRLS Discus Throw
Ev# 21 GIRLS Long Jump GIRLS Long Jump Ev# 23 GIRLS High Jump GIRLS High Jump

[Top of Page]  [Event List]

Event 1 GIRLS 100m Dash

     1   Jester, Olivia                            St. James                     13.55
     2   Gorman, Kate                              Crusaders                     13.63
     3   Cherry, Jill                              St. Ignatius                  14.22
     4   Floyd, Morgan                             Bethany                       14.53
     5   Hastings, Bryn                            Mercy Montessori              14.54
     6   Deyhle, Hailey                            St. Ignatius                  14.67
     7   Nirdhill, Erin                            Springer School               14.70
     8   Himmelbauer, MacKenzie                    Mercy Montessori              15.16

     1   Jester, Olivia                            St. James                     13.55 Q
     2   Gorman, Kate                              Crusaders                     13.63 Q
     3   Cherry, Jill                              St. Ignatius                  14.22 Q
     4   Floyd, Morgan                             Bethany                       14.53 Q
     5   Hastings, Bryn                            Mercy Montessori              14.54 Q
     6   Deyhle, Hailey                            St. Ignatius                  14.67 Q
     7   Nirdhill, Erin                            Springer School               14.70 Q
     8   Himmelbauer, MacKenzie                    Mercy Montessori              15.16 Q
         Swope, Kristin                            Bethany                          NT
         Evans, Rebecca                            St. Thomas More                  NT
         Pieper, Stephanie                         St. Ignatius                     NT
         Trunk, Teresa                             St. Francis De Sales             NT
         Scherpenberg, Melissa                     St. James                        NT
         Ricke, Isabel                             Littl Flower                     NT
         Baur, Kylie                               St. Bart's                       NT
         Klump, Hannah                             SAINT VERONICA                   NT
         Louderback, Maggie                        Our Lady of Lourdes              NT
         Gayle, Anna                               Springer School                  NT
         Witzgall, Beth                            St. Ignatius                     NT
         Ruhe, Christine                           Littl Flower                     NT
         Schmidt, Katelyn                          Springer School                  NT
         Valle, Annalia                            Crusaders                        NT
         Hardeman, Hannah                          John XXIII                       NT
         Frohlich, Maria                           St. Gertrude Blue                NT
         Coughlin, Kathleen                        Mercy Montessori                 NT
         Shea, Ioana                               Springer School                  NT
         Walter, Courtney                          Mother Teresa                    NT
         Scheidler, Kathryn                        Crusaders                        NT
         Adkins, Elena                             Springer School                  NT
         Biduaka, Amaryllis                        All Saints                       NT
         Moser, Nicole                             Crusaders                        NT
         Pearce, Bailey                            St. Bart's                       NT
         Toberman, Hannah                          Sacred Heart 7th/8th             NT
         McMahon, Helen                            Springer School                  NT
         Hollenkamp, Michelle                      Crusaders                        NT
         Hersey, Kristen                           St. Susanna                      NT
         Behringer, Tori                           All Saints                       NT
         Wolfer, Erika                             St. Susanna                      NT
         Winkelman, Annie                          St. Thomas More                  NT
         Ryan, Laine                               SMAC Track                       NT
         Meyer, Jenna                              St. James                        NT
         Perry, Brittany                           St. Catharine                    NT
         Grimes, Marisa                            St. Bart's                       NT
         Sennet, Ellie                             Mother Teresa                    NT
         Rapien, Sandy                             St. Bart's                       NT
         Storm, Emily                              St. Jude                         NT
         Brown, Sienna                             John XXIII                       NT
         Keller, Rachel                            Littl Flower                     NT
         Destafano, Mary                           St. Gertrude Blue                NT
         Shafer, Karly                             Springer School                  NT
         Simmons, Jessie                           Springer School                  NT
         Moore, Kristen                            St. Ignatius                     NT
         Mullaney, Kelsey                          St. Jude                         NT
         Taylor, Micaela                           Crusaders                        NT
         Bowling, Haley                            St. James                        NT
         Seger, Abby                               St. Bart's                       NT
         Bahrani, Amber                            Assumption Cougars               NT
         Farwick, Christina                        St. James                        NT
         Meakin, Katelyn                           SAINT VERONICA                   NT
         Wattersoon, Sarah                         Assumption Cougars               NT
         Newell, Erin                              St. Jude                         NT
         Fassano, Shanna                           St. Susanna                      NT
         Baker, Megan                              St. Jude                         NT
         Taylor, Tara                              Springer School                  NT
         Popken, Alex                              St. James                        NT
         Bell, Dorian                              Assumption Cougars               NT

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Event 3 GIRLS 4x200m Relay

     1   St. James A                               St. James                   2:01.96
     2   SMAC Track A                              SMAC Track                  2:02.60
     3   St. Gertrude Blue A                       St. Gertrude Blue           2:06.05
     4   All Saints A                              All Saints                  2:09.72
     5   St. Gertrude Blue B                       St. Gertrude Blue           2:11.71
     6   St. Bart's A                              St. Bart's                  2:12.78
     7   Sacred Heart 7th/8th B                    Sacred Heart 7th/8th        2:13.16
     8   SMAC Track B                              SMAC Track                  2:14.86
     9   St. James B                               St. James                   2:17.41
     10  St. Gertrude Blue C                       St. Gertrude Blue           2:18.62
     11  St. Thomas More A                         St. Thomas More             2:20.57
     12  John XXIII A                              John XXIII                  2:22.45
     13  St. Ignatius A                            St. Ignatius                2:28.59

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Event 5 GIRLS 1600m Run

     1   Dailey, Dani                              SMAC                        5:30.75
     2   Kaes, Katie                               All Saints                  5:40.60
     3   Mazzei, Sarah                             Our Lady of Lourdes         5:46.58
     4   Hessling, Ashley                          St. Jude                    5:49.92
     5   Ferrara, Kaitlyn                          Crusaders                   5:57.29
     6   Simpson, Grace                            St. Jude                    6:07.50
     7   Martin, Kelly                             SMAC Track                  6:12.60
     8   Jerger, Abby                              John XXIII                  6:14.30
     9   Kurzhals, Courtney                        St. Jude                    6:14.91
     10  Pierce, Sarah                             St. Bart's                  6:18.26
     11  Sussli, Katelyn                           SMAC Track                  6:18.69
     12  Schafer, Olivia                           Assumption Cougars          6:20.93
     13  Maricocchi, Rita                          SMAC Track                  6:32.02
     14  Wheeler, Katie                            St. Gertrude Blue           6:34.38
     15  Conner, Natalie                           Mother Teresa               6:49.72
     16  Morris, Colleen                           St. Gertrude Blue           6:57.55
     17  Bley, Ellen                               St. Jude                    6:59.38
     18  Comer, Gracie                             St. Catharine               7:03.36
     19  Sennet, Ellie                             Mother Teresa               7:03.91

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Event 7 GIRLS 4x100m Relay

     1   St. James A                               St. James                     57.62
     2   Crusaders A                               Crusaders                     58.59
     3   St. Gertrude Blue A                       St. Gertrude Blue             59.86
     4   St. Jude A                                St. Jude                    1:01.68
     5   Assumption Cougars A                      Assumption Cougars          1:02.18
     6   St. Gertrude Blue B                       St. Gertrude Blue           1:02.37
     7   All Saints A                              All Saints                  1:02.63
     8   Sacred Heart 7th/8th A                    Sacred Heart 7th/8th        1:02.69
     9   St. Catharine A                           St. Catharine               1:02.95
     10  St. Gertrude Blue C                       St. Gertrude Blue           1:03.89
     11  St. Ignatius A                            St. Ignatius                1:04.02
     12  St. James B                               St. James                   1:04.41
     13  SMAC Track A                              SMAC Track                  1:04.99
     14  St. Thomas More A                         St. Thomas More             1:07.79
     15  Springer School B                         Springer School             1:08.87
     16  St Clement A                              St Clement                  1:08.88

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Event 9 GIRLS 400m Dash

     1   Pfeifer, Danielle                         St. Ignatius                1:01.08
     2   Maricocchi, Katrina                       SMAC Track                  1:02.49
     3   Pettit, Kate                              Crusaders                   1:04.71
     4   Weaver, Maggie                            St. James                   1:05.84
     5   Colley, Kate                              St. Francis De Sales        1:06.09
     6   Johnson, Marissa                          Crusaders                   1:08.40
     7   Miller, Christie                          Sacred Heart 7th/8th        1:09.00
     8   O'Connell, Josie                          SMAC Track                  1:09.02
     9   Meakin, Katelyn                           SAINT VERONICA              1:09.41
     10  Juan, Christine                           St. Gertrude Blue           1:09.89
     11  Vonerden, Katie                           Mother Teresa               1:10.41
     12  Heine, Emily                              St. Ignatius                1:10.92
     13  Gruenwald, Darci                          St Clement                  1:11.19
     14  Handley, Tara                             Assumption Cougars          1:11.20
     15  Gaston, Valencia                          Assumption Cougars          1:12.97
     16  Schwarm, Stefanie                         St. Jude                    1:13.92
     17  Waltz, Dusty                              All Saints                  1:14.17
     18  Himmelbauer, MacKenzie                    Mercy Montessori            1:14.59
     19  Kent, Maggie                              Crusaders                   1:14.68
     20  Kelly, Caroline                           St. Francis De Sales        1:15.43
     21  Shepherd, Anna                            St Clement                  1:15.57
     22  Kehres, Katie                             Crusaders                   1:16.60
     23  Newcomer, Samantha                        Assumption Cougars          1:17.01
     24  Wersel, Lauren                            St. Susanna                 1:17.05
     25  Stapleton, Katie                          St. Jude                    1:17.24
     26  Newberry, Fran                            All Saints                  1:17.59
     27  Coughlin, Kathleen                        Mercy Montessori            1:18.33
     28  Klump, Hannah                             SAINT VERONICA              1:18.35
     29  Dickert, Megan                            St. Gertrude Blue           1:18.95
     30  Hutchinson, Devon                         St. Gertrude Blue           1:19.03
     31  Vu, Gabby                                 Assumption Cougars          1:19.88
     32  Christianson, Mary                        John XXIII                  1:20.02
     33  Sullivan, Chelsea                         Crusaders                   1:20.16
     34  Braley, Sarah                             St. Bart's                  1:20.28
     35  Bien, Jessica                             Mother Teresa               1:20.38
     36  Sennet, Ellie                             Mother Teresa               1:20.83
     37  Mandizha, Tatenda                         St. Thomas More             1:21.09
     37  Storm, Emily                              St. Jude                    1:21.09
     39  Keller, Rachel                            Littl Flower                1:21.25
     40  Biduaka, Amaryllis                        All Saints                  1:22.50
     41  Brandt, Sarah                             St. Ann                     1:24.15
     42  Hollenkamp, Michelle                      Crusaders                   1:24.86
     43  Hersey, Kristen                           St. Susanna                 1:25.62
     44  Spinnenwebber, Annie                      Assumption Cougars          1:26.46
     45  Ruhe, Christine                           Littl Flower                1:29.72
     46  Thaxton, Carson                           St. Catharine               1:29.85
     47  Valle, Annalia                            Crusaders                   1:30.18
     48  Ricke, Isabel                             Littl Flower                1:36.24

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Event 11 GIRLS 800m Run

     1   Dailey, Dani                              SMAC                        2:32.07
     2   Mazzei, Sarah                             Our Lady of Lourdes         2:40.44
     3   Hessling, Ashley                          St. Jude                    2:40.95
     4   Kaes, Katie                               All Saints                  2:41.32
     5   Ferrara, Kaitlyn                          Crusaders                   2:46.01
     6   Spears, Chrissy                           St. Ignatius                2:46.60
     7   Jerger, Abby                              John XXIII                  2:48.71
     8   Simpson, Grace                            St. Jude                    2:50.94
     9   Schafer, Olivia                           Assumption Cougars          2:56.74
     10  Maricocchi, Rita                          SMAC Track                  2:59.23
     11  Kurzhals, Courtney                        St. Jude                    3:01.62
     12  Wheeler, Katie                            St. Gertrude Blue           3:02.93
     13  Kelly, Caroline                           St. Francis De Sales        3:03.17
     14  Pierce, Sarah                             St. Bart's                  3:03.40
     15  Morris, Colleen                           St. Gertrude Blue           3:03.42
     16  Bierman, Maggie                           St. James                   3:03.56
     17  Bird, Angela                              St. Bart's                  3:04.02
     18  Maloney, Caitlyn                          St. Susanna                 3:04.25
     19  Stevenot, Marie                           St. Bart's                  3:07.94
     20  Diemer, Ellie                             All Saints                  3:10.58
         Bien, Jessica                             Mother Teresa                    NT
         Conner, Natalie                           Mother Teresa                    NT

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Event 13 GIRLS 200m Dash

     1   Pfeifer, Danielle                         St. Ignatius                  27.44
     2   Goddard, Emily                            St. James                     29.24
     3   Spears, Chrissy                           St. Ignatius                  29.69
     4   Miller, Christie                          Sacred Heart 7th/8th          30.17
     5   Gorman, Kate                              Crusaders                     30.47
     6   Meakin, Katelyn                           SAINT VERONICA                31.09
     7   Heine, Emily                              St. Ignatius                  31.10
     8   Nirdhill, Erin                            Springer School               31.16
     9   Schwarm, Stefanie                         St. Jude                      31.24
     10  Bell, Dorian                              Assumption Cougars            31.27
     10  Swope, Kristin                            Bethany                       31.27
     12  Vonerden, Katie                           Mother Teresa                 31.33
     13  Hastings, Bryn                            Mercy Montessori              31.37
     14  Rapien, Sandy                             St. Bart's                    31.40
     15  Colley, Kate                              St. Francis De Sales          31.43
     16  Fago, Anna                                St. James                     31.68
     17  Palmer, Mary                              SMAC Track                    31.71
     18  Cherry, Jill                              St. Ignatius                  31.72
     19  Schmidt, Katelyn                          Springer School               31.75
     20  Hanson, Marlena                           Sacred Heart 7th/8th          31.82
     21  Moser, Nicole                             Crusaders                     32.19
     22  Pearce, Bailey                            St. Bart's                    32.21
     23  Klump, Hannah                             SAINT VERONICA                32.24
     24  Handley, Tara                             Assumption Cougars            32.25
     25  Traschsel, Kirsten                        St. James                     32.43
     26  Walsh, Lauren                             SMAC Track                    32.61
     27  Storm, Emily                              St. Jude                      32.71
     28  Toberman, Hannah                          Sacred Heart 7th/8th          32.82
     29  Deyhle, Hailey                            St. Ignatius                  32.87
     30  Floyd, Morgan                             Bethany                       33.00
     31  Himmelbauer, MacKenzie                    Mercy Montessori              33.34
     32  Strobl, Julie                             Queen of Peace 78             33.44
     33  Grimes, Marisa                            St. Bart's                    33.60
     34  Geraci, Gabrielle                         St. Gertrude Blue             33.79
     35  McIntosh, Jill                            John XXIII                    33.81
     36  Carroll, Jessica                          Sacred Heart 7th/8th          33.94
     37  Newberry, Fran                            All Saints                    34.01
     38  Minnie, Maria                             Sacred Heart 7th/8th          34.21
     39  Fox, Megan                                St. James                     34.22
     40  Skelly, Megan                             Sacred Heart 7th/8th          34.39
     41  Brown, Sienna                             John XXIII                    34.42
     42  Ryan, Laine                               SMAC Track                    34.53
     43  Hersey, Kristen                           St. Susanna                   34.78
     44  Pommert, Cassie                           SAINT VERONICA                34.99
     45  Thinnes, Julie                            St. Ann                       35.07
     46  Sullivan, Chelsea                         Crusaders                     35.10
     47  Raphael, Laura                            St. Catharine                 35.20
     48  Meyer, Jenna                              St. James                     35.22
     49  Wolfer, Erika                             St. Susanna                   35.61
     50  Baur, Kylie                               St. Bart's                    36.04
     51  Brandt, Sarah                             St. Ann                       36.41
     52  Biduaka, Amaryllis                        All Saints                    36.57
     53  Walter, Courtney                          Mother Teresa                 36.87
     54  Hardeman, Hannah                          John XXIII                    37.16
     55  Mandizha, Tatenda                         St. Thomas More               37.44
     56  Gayle, Anna                               Springer School               37.51
     57  Sabatelli, Brooke                         St. James                     38.06
     58  Brickler, Kendra                          Springer School               52.11

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Event 15 GIRLS 4x400m Relay

     1   St. James A                               St. James                   4:30.84
     2   SMAC Track A                              SMAC Track                  4:34.44
     3   Crusaders A                               Crusaders                   4:47.79
     4   St. Ignatius A                            St. Ignatius                4:51.33
     5   St. Gertrude Blue A                       St. Gertrude Blue           4:52.56
     6   SMAC Track B                              SMAC Track                  4:57.12
     7   St. Jude A                                St. Jude                    5:07.77
     8   All Saints A                              All Saints                  5:11.56
     9   St. Gertrude Blue B                       St. Gertrude Blue           5:18.88
     10  Assumption Cougars A                      Assumption Cougars          5:26.91

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Event 17 GIRLS Shot Put

     1   Vonerden, Katie                           Mother Teresa             27'08.00"
     2   Kent, Maggie                              Crusaders                 25'11.00"
     3   Sizemore, Ashley                          St. Catharine             23'05.00"
     3   Floyd, Morgan                             Bethany                   23'05.00"
     5   Wahl, Emma                                St. Gertrude Blue         22'11.00"
     6   Raphael, Laura                            St. Catharine             22'02.00"
     7   Dickert, Megan                            St. Gertrude Blue         22'00.00"
     8   Baker, Haley                              St. Catharine             21'10.00"
     9   Rodd, Ashley                              St. James                 21'07.00"
     10  Powers, Kendal                            St. Thomas More           21'02.00"
     11  Mandizha, Tatenda                         St. Thomas More           20'08.00"
     12  Strobl, Julie                             Queen of Peace 78         20'06.00"
     13  Krebs, Lauren                             Assumption Cougars        20'03.00"
     14  Winkelman, Annie                          St. Thomas More           19'09.00"
     15  Czerwonka, Maria                          All Saints                19'04.00"
     16  O'Neill, Kasey                            St. Gertrude Blue         19'02.00"
     17  Ogden, Emily                              SMAC Track                19'01.00"
     18  Nurre, Lauren                             St. Catharine             18'03.00"
     19  Trunk, Teresa                             St. Francis De Sales      18'01.00"
     20  Standifor, Jade                           Assumption Cougars        15'11.00"
     21  Hinton, Emily                             St. Jude                  15'09.00"

[Top of Page]  [Event List]

Event 19 GIRLS Discus Throw

     1   Baker, Haley                              St. Catharine             75'03.00"
     2   Haverkos, Monica                          St. Susanna               70'07.00"
     3   Kent, Maggie                              Crusaders                 64'04.00"
     4   Nirdhill, Erin                            Springer School           61'03.00"
     5   McIntosh, Jill                            John XXIII                57'00.00"
     6   Trunk, Teresa                             St. Francis De Sales      56'11.00"
     7   Geraci, Gabrielle                         St. Gertrude Blue         55'00.00"
     8   Ogden, Emily                              SMAC Track                54'08.00"
     9   Sizemore, Ashley                          St. Catharine             53'08.00"
     10  Strobl, Julie                             Queen of Peace 78         53'01.00"
     11  Nurre, Lauren                             St. Catharine             52'02.00"
     12  Krebs, Lauren                             Assumption Cougars        52'01.00"
     13  Palmer, Mary                              SMAC Track                49'07.00"
     14  Coughlin, Kathleen                        Mercy Montessori          48'08.00"
     15  Wahl, Emma                                St. Gertrude Blue         48'02.00"
     16  Czerwonka, Maria                          All Saints                47'01.00"
     17  Mitchell, Cara                            Assumption Cougars        46'10.00"
     18  O'Neill, Kasey                            St. Gertrude Blue         45'03.00"
     19  Conner, Natalie                           Mother Teresa             43'07.00"
     20  Taylor, Tara                              Springer School           43'02.00"
     21  Hinton, Emily                             St. Jude                  38'11.00"
     22  Spinnenwebber, Annie                      Assumption Cougars        38'09.00"
     23  Standifor, Jade                           Assumption Cougars        30'06.00"
     24  Bast, Kaylin                              St. Catharine             27'08.00"

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Event 21 GIRLS Long Jump

     1   Weaver, Maggie                            St. James                 13'03.00"
     2   Swope, Kristin                            Bethany                   12'06.50"
     3   Stacy, Sidney                             St. James                 12'05.00"
     3   Kneuven, Tori                             St. Gertrude Blue         12'05.00"
     5   Skelly, Megan                             Sacred Heart 7th/8th      12'03.50"
     6   Archdeacon, Alyssa                        St. James                 12'03.00"
     7   Handley, Tara                             Assumption Cougars        11'09.50"
     8   Shannon, Kaela                            St. Gertrude Blue         11'08.00"
     9   Jerger, Abby                              John XXIII                11'06.00"
     10  Perry, Brittany                           St. Catharine             11'01.50"
     11  Kelsey, Molly                             SMAC Track                11'01.00"
     12  Pettit, Kate                              Crusaders                 11'00.00"
     13  Keller, Rachel                            Littl Flower              10'10.00"
     14  Thaxton, Carson                           St. Catharine             10'09.50"
     15  Thinnes, Julie                            St. Ann                   10'08.00"
     16  Destafano, Mary                           St. Gertrude Blue         10'07.50"
     17  Louderback, Maggie                        Our Lady of Lourdes       10'07.00"
     18  Martin, Kelly                             SMAC Track                10'06.00"
     19  Walsh, Lauren                             SMAC Track                10'04.00"
     20  Kelly, Caroline                           St. Francis De Sales      10'03.50"
     21  Tefend, Christina                         SMAC Track                10'01.00"
     22  Stapleton, Katie                          St. Jude                   9'10.00"
     23  Adkins, Elena                             Springer School            9'03.00"
     24  McConnell, Elise                          SMAC Track                 9'02.00"
     25  Gayle, Anna                               Springer School            9'01.00"
     26  Ricke, Isabel                             Littl Flower               8'11.00"

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Event 23 GIRLS High Jump

     1   Newcomer, Samantha                        Assumption Cougars         4'04.00"
     2   Spears, Chrissy                           St. Ignatius               4'04.00"
     3   Kappner, Alaina                           SMAC Track                 4'02.00"
     4   Shepherd, Anna                            St Clement                 4'02.00"
     5   Ferrara, Kaitlyn                          Crusaders                  4'00.00"
     6   Kamphaus, Allie                           St. Thomas More            4'00.00"
     7   Scherpenberg, Melissa                     St. James                  3'10.00"
     7   Colley, Kate                              St. Francis De Sales       3'10.00"
     7   Hodges, Victoria                          St. Gertrude Blue          3'10.00"
     10  Comer, Mary                               St. Catharine              3'08.00"
     10  Kurzhals, Courtney                        St. Jude                   3'08.00"
     10  Christianson, Mary                        John XXIII                 3'08.00"
     10  Ochs, Kristen                             Crusaders                  3'08.00"
         Vu, Gabby                                 Assumption Cougars               ND
         Bien, Jessica                             Mother Teresa                    ND

[Top of Page] [Event List]